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On the day, we have service, we arrange the tableau for, whatever the occasion call for i.e harvest festival or Christmas service etc
Mrs J Carter is qualified reader licensed by Bishop of Rochester. She ha trained for the post for over three years and now has been with St John Church for 11 years. She loved her vocation very much and is passionate about it.

  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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